On March 1 was the birthday of Mr. and Juventus supporters, however, what is the cake that could not be striped! This cake was made at the last minute, as we had planned to celebrate his birthday by spending a day outside the home. For a business meeting at the last moment, however, all failed and I found myself without a cake !!!!! Luckily the house I always have the ingredients for the sugar paste (found qu the recipe) that I could prepare in 2 hours. I tried an idea, I made the sponge cake and filled the cake with whipped mascarpone cheese and added a handful of chopped nuts ... In short, we must strive in some way even if I would have done more accurately if I had had at least one day to organize. In any case, But the Lord had his birthday cake! There was one though?! Certainly inevitable: the Scudetto but the beautiful strisce della torta sono troppo parallele per sembrare zebrate...! Ecco, c’è sempre un però… come è dura la vita con un perfezionista! :D
Wowwwwwwwwwwwww non posso crederci ho scoperto solo ora che il mio blog è primo nella classifica di wikio .....scusatemi per questa auto-celebrazione ma ci sono blog di grande prestigio dopo il mio quindi un grande onore per me!!!
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