As written in an interesting reflection on Fabio Marcelli, the''art. 5 of the Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1793 states: " Quando il governo viola i diritti del popolo, l’insurrezione è, per il popolo e per ciascuna porzione di esso, il più sacro dei diritti e il più indispensabile dei doveri ”. Anche l’art. 7, comma 3, della Costituzione portoghese del 1976 riconosce il diritto dei popoli all’autodeterminazione e all’indipendenza e allo sviluppo, nonché quello all’insurrezione contro ogni forma di oppressione. Nei patti internazionali sui diritti umani non si parla di insurrezione, ma di autodeterminazione, infatti ai sensi dell’art. 1 comune ai due Patti (quello sui diritti civili e politici e quello sui diritti sociali, economici e culturali), primo comma, si afferma that all peoples have the right to self-determination and, by virtue of that right they freely determine their economic, social and cultural. The general international law, for its part, is not opposed to revolutions, provided that the new regulations are covered by the requirement of effectiveness.''
When fundamental rights are being purged, in essence, a nation can and must occur to liberate and rebuild its autonomy, its freedom, the architecture of the State. The Arab world
rebels because the process of liberation has arrived at a stage of full maturity after years of incubation. It 'happened to the Italians in 1848 and 1945. Sometimes if someone forgets and furbeggiando, is unwatchable justification schemes Mubarak, Ben Ali and Gaddafi.
The riots that are shaking the part of the world at the foot of Italy are intended to extend to the African and Asian nations. Simply because the food, with the economic explosion of China and India, begin to not be enough for everyone.
Emergence, for some people, it has become the only way to give a hope, not to accumulate on the few and distribute to the many.
A moment of history, what we are experiencing, that sooner or later will also involve Europe.
When fundamental rights are being purged, in essence, a nation can and must occur to liberate and rebuild its autonomy, its freedom, the architecture of the State. The Arab world
rebels because the process of liberation has arrived at a stage of full maturity after years of incubation. It 'happened to the Italians in 1848 and 1945. Sometimes if someone forgets and furbeggiando, is unwatchable justification schemes Mubarak, Ben Ali and Gaddafi.
The riots that are shaking the part of the world at the foot of Italy are intended to extend to the African and Asian nations. Simply because the food, with the economic explosion of China and India, begin to not be enough for everyone.
Emergence, for some people, it has become the only way to give a hope, not to accumulate on the few and distribute to the many.
A moment of history, what we are experiencing, that sooner or later will also involve Europe.
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