Friday, March 4, 2011

Can You Reverse Periodontal

Difesa del medium videoludico

Here for a full press release AIOMI, Italian Association of Interactive Multimedia, which defends the game by unjust attacks made during an Italian television program. We hope that the protest came from the bottom among all the gamers who are still locked can lead to wrong assumptions that we drag around for over thirty years. The game is a wonderful medium, able to convey emotions, art and culture, which has nothing to envy in literature or cinema, or rather its interactivity often leads him to overcome the two other cultural media. Nobody criticizes today Kerouk Jack, Charles Baudelaire, Quentin Tarantino or David Lynch ... but the game is still for many the scapegoat for all evil in the world. Archeoludica joined the protest, the game culture is a social necessity.

Here is the full text:

between the crime and the game there is no connection: it's time to say no if e. ..

published by Marco Accordi Rickards on Friday, March 4, 2011 at 10:32

Rome, March 4, 2011

Yesterday, Thursday, March 3, 2011, in the television program "5 pm", broadcast suCanale 5 Don Aldo Buonaiuto, host of the program, in commenting on the shocking murders of young girls who have recently won the first pages, he formulated a theory:
"It's a shame," said Don Buoinaiuto , "that our children play video games with wins in which those who kill and massacre of more. We must stop this culture of death. "
These words, verbatim and shown that you can listen through the official website of the Network at this address: # marzo.html-1-tf-s1-c1-p1-o1 (retail 51), are extremely dangerous because the risk of creating a climate of demonization around the Game, a medium already too often attacked for no good reason.
AIOMI, the Italian Association of Interactive Multimedia - Videogame Culture Movement, emphasizes come la dichiarazione ascoltata all’interno di Pomeriggio 5 sia superficiale, infondata e gravemente lesiva della dignità del Videogioco, mezzo di espressione artistica dell’uomo al pari di altri con una storia più lunga quali la letteratura, la musica, il teatro o il cinema.
“Dispiace constatare come ancora si possano affermare certe tesi discriminatorie, demagogiche e allarmiste contro il Videogioco”, dichiara Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente di AIOMI. “Quanto sostenuto da Don Aldo Buonaiuto denota profonda ignoranza in ambito videoludico; chiunque conosca realmente il Videogioco (e per fortuna parliamo della stragrande maggioranza degli italiani) knows that it is not only harmless, but it stimulates learning, motor coordination and attitude to solving problems. It is no coincidence that The Game has long been used for teaching and learning as well as studied and taught in the most prestigious universities in the world. \u0026lt;span> It must be said once and for all with no ifs or buts: Among incidents of crime and video games there is no link \u0026lt;/ span>, and never has existed and is very serious, in the third millennium, you can declare on television something so retrograde, wrong and harmful without any contradiction. "
AIOMI against hope that this latest episode of serious misinformation and attack on a medium of expression which is also the subject of a thriving industry in Italy turnover of over EUR 1.2 billion annually (data GFK / AESVI ) to mobilize the press and public opinion, and that Channel 5 will allow gamers, millions are in Italy, the right of reply, inviting AIOMI broadcast for a public debate on the issue.


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