Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bridge Designs From Balsa Wood


La mia ormai famosa curiosità, mi porta sempre più frequentemente ad "esplorare" sentieri del design che non conosco.
Da un mese seguo una divertente trasmissione che va in onda sul canale REALTIME nella quale il protagonista è un paffuto italo-americano che si trova a MIAMI e che fa di lavoro il CAKE DESIGNER .
Tra me e me pensavo " In america stanno troppo avanti...." ma in realtà non sapevo, that even in our country, there is' someone who makes a professional ..... CAKE DESIGNER ... ..


magazines, blogs and television programs increasingly delight us with beautiful pictures of wedding cakes, wedding cakes, the famous deck, British or American.
In many cases we can talk about real food design . Research on size, proportions, color combinations and assembly are the starting point to establish a real wedding cake , original and theatrical impact. Search
research and more research ... of style, creativity, art to impress to coordinate with the style of wedding cake, the chosen theme and fantasies of the newlyweds.
Plexiglas bases, structures made of polystyrene, polymer clay and glazes satin flowers ... so on and so forth. Indeed
Wikipedia tells us that the food design is a complex paradigm where different disciplines meet and mingle: anthropology, sociology of food and psychoanalysis.
But the good old cream, sponge cake soaked from the wet soft and delicate cream guduriosissima what happened to?
 Eterno conflitto: creatività e concretezza.
Sia chiaro, chi scrive è una cake designer convinta...non è il caso di darmi la zappa sui piedi!
Certo è che per la realizzazione di queste meravigliose torte o si fa appello alla rich fruit cake, ricetta della tradizione anglosassone dove frutta secca e candita, spezie, melassa e nei casi più fortunati crema al burro la fanno da padrone o bisogna accettare l'idea che il 90% della wedding cake stessa sia di polistirolo, perchè il nostro dolce pan di spagna dal gusto tutto italiano non sopporterebbe il peso di un piano sull'altro.
There is a serious compromise between creativity and supreme good taste Italian?

The necessary ingredients are a bit more information from the customer and great skill on the part of pastry and above all so much but really want to get involved, challenging the longstanding traditions in our culture in favor of new trends impeccable taste.
advice: pretend polystyrene cake decorated with sugar paste, perhaps with the soft top floor for the unforgettable moment of cutting the cake and delicious cake from sporzionare and serve to guests; or support of polystyrene and real cake lying around on top of equally decorated.
is a way to bring the creativity of the food design and excellence of taste Italian.

article: Cristina Sagle creative cake designer lab "The Taste of Sweet " Orbassano (TO) Contact
Cristina Cristina

Thanks for your attention.


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