''Freedom means having the ability to educate their children freely, and freedom means not being forced send them to school in a state where there are teachers who want to instill principles that are the opposite of those of their parents''(Silvio Berlusconi - 26/02/2011)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Boat Power Stearing Problem
Cute Thank You Note Sayingsbaby
(la splendida immagine è tratta dal Blog Zave.Daylirando.it)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Bloating And Cramping Before Period
Visto che il freddo è ritornato prepotentemente in questi giorni(mettendo di nuovo ko il mio piccolo Lorenzo)sento proprio il bisogno di un confort food di quei piatti coccola diciamo che sono apprezzati in famiglia sopratutto per la cena. Questo che vi presento oggi è un concentrato di sapori e colori infatti oltre ad i bocconcini di salsiccia ci sono anche piselli, peperoni che ravvivano e rendono piu appetibile il piatto. Ho aggiunto anche un po di spezie che esaltano il sapore del piatto come il coriandolo e il cumino(in perfetto stile Nigella:D). Per questo tipo di preparazioni adoro le cotture lente e le pentole in coccio svolgono al meglio questo compito. Questo is definitely a dish for those who love to eat tasty without being too much to think about diets ... there's always time for those!!
dear girls, my contest ends today "My cocotte," and I would like to thank you very much to heart in a month came some 170 recipes and this success I owe to you all. For last-minute tardy, you can continue to send me the recipes until midnight tonight, then I'll join with me virtually by decree the court so wonderful casserole recipe that won the Le Creuset!
sausage stew with peas and peppers with spices
300 g sausage
1 red pepper and a yellow
100 g blanched peas 4 tablespoons of tomato
1 teaspoon of turmeric and coriander (Mondospezie)
50 g butter 1 onion salt and pepper
Preparation Cut the peppers into strips and put in a crock pot (I used to Lands Flame Wald ) to soften in the butter together with onion thinly sliced, for about ten minutes, then add the sausage, cut into pieces, the past, peas and spices and cook for 45 minutes.
With this recipe I participate in the contest of Eleonora of blob Butter and Honey " plate meals "
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Marriage Congratulations To A Freind
The "clam" - this is the meaning of the English word with which he was baptized - was made in two halves with the same mold, which, if superimposed, matched perfectly. Closed
had a sculptural form. Open - and flipped the two parties that composed it - became a double ashtray.
Sappiamo che fumare non è il massimo per la salute, per questo mi piace molto l’utilizzo secondario del Clam come svuota tasche, o come complemento di design per la scrivania, utile a contenere graffette, francobolli e spille.
English please:
The “mollusc” – that's the meaning of its brand name – consists of two half parts manufactured with the same mould, that perfectly fit together if put one on another.
When it's closed, it looks like a sculpture. When it's open, the two parts become two ashtrays.
The corrugated shape of its machine-made edge becomes the ideal place for lit cigarettes and allows closing on the point of junction without using hinges.
We know that smoking is bad for your health, that's why I love the Clam's secondary use as a design item for the desk, where you can put clips, stamps or pins.
Honeywell Chronotherm Iv English
New Appointment Tea Time with my address book and a new recipe for madeleines, but because of friendship? Because these are part madelaines always that wonderful book that I sent during the Christmas holidays my sweet Simona a wonderful friend a unique and special person! The recipes in the book are all fabulous, but I added a small ingredient in most or all of the small flowers of cinnamon called Kezia who sent me another dear friend, my fairy woods Terry ! A sweet that I dedicate these two special people of virtual friends for now but I always carry in my heart with the hope to meet in person as soon as possible ... I love it!!
The recipe I chose for madeleines are now pleasantly scented with spices, a tasty little morsel that can not fail in our meeting afternoon tea (unfortunately only virtual) with you all my dear friends. Yes friends, because with many of you feel a particular affinity to monitor the hole and gave me a feeling so rare and profound friendship that only manages to be!
tea combined with a mixture of these madelaines White Tea Forte Ambrosia. A fine white tea made by mixing delicious fruit, vanilla and slices of coconut to create a cornucopia of tropical delights. E'ottimo be tested either alone or with honey or sugar ... so another heavenly blend of Tea Forte!!
Madeleines friendship with 3 spices
3 eggs
150 of farina00 of Molino Rossetto
130 brown sugar (I used raw cane sugar Grand Cru Malawi A whole bar )
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon flowers (Kezia) or cinnamon in polvere
1 cucchiaino di zenzero in polvere
1 cucchiaio d’acqua di fiori d’arancio
150 g di burro salato fuso Fattorie Fiandino
Passate al setaccio la farina e il lievito insieme. Sbattete le uova con lo zucchero di canna e la vaniglia fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso. Incorporate la farina e il lievito setacciati, la noce moscata, i fiori di Kezia pestati al mortaio(oppure la cannella in polvere), lo zenzero, l’acqua di fiori d’arancio e il burro fuso. Lasciate risposare in frigo almeno 1 ora. Scaldate il forno a 220 gradi. riempite gli stampini (Ho usato lo stampo in silicone per madeleines di Pavoni Idea che mi ha regalato madeleines perfette!!!)e infornate per 4 minuti. Riducete la temperatura a 180m gradi e continuate la cottura per altri 4-5 minuti finche risulteranno dorate. Sfornate le madelaines, attendete qualche minuto, poi sformatele e gustatele a temperatura ambiente.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Friends and Brothers African rebel
this letter, which probably none of you can read, is the only way for me to show solidarity.
your cries and your blood come to us from a video, a computer, from the pages of a newspaper. And they compel. Let's anger at our leaders who fail to speak out for our Europe that acts in any order, as far as we can not say, for what did not we have the courage to do. And we feel a deep sense of shame. For our masters and our politicians to speak only good, trivially, in front of a camera.
Who slaughters now is come to terms with us, have pitched their tents in our area, he opened his circus because of provocations and threats. We have not been able to impose our pride. We have left to do. Without a word of condemnation.
If your blood floods Tripoli is also our fault, fearful of the West, a friend of the dictator of Italy, our fear of invading us from the men in search of bread and a better life.
We do not know the emergency rule or the future because we are old. Italy has an average age of 43. We are part of the past. And if it were not for immigrants and their children, that the Italians of tomorrow, our future would be dark as death.
brothers and sisters, thank you for your commitment has changed the balance of history and time are skipped. Our Europe, which led to great tools of civilization and immortal, is coming into your place and there has colonized, exploited, cheated, convicted of contempt. Your youth is instead took to the streets to sing a new world and a new life. We can no longer look down on them, and then, but only with love. To us to say thank you. Why have the spark that lit is similar to that which we Europeans in 1989 as in 1848, we turned on the continent to fight his authoritarian states, repression, cruelty and oppression of materialism. You ideally come
the seed of hope that we cultivate in our minds, there comes the strength to continue, there comes the prayer of our faith, there comes, above all, the solidarity of people who believe in freedom.
Your dignity is now greater than the evil that wants to break down.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Driving In Italy With Indian Licence
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're not a designer but you know one? Tell them the event, thank you!
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follows in silence - shock, embarrassment or convenience? - The disruption while the many manifestations of opposition in Italy (certainly not a dictatorship, but certainly not a normal system of government) is in the feminine, the student and retirement in general (trade unions). From the northern part of the sea is always imperative that rises to the now historic "resist, resist, resist" (January 12, 2002 72enne Borrelli FS), which still resonates as a slogan. Why
in Italy you can not make a revolution (the sense of change, but only as a modification of the political situation and the national climate)? The answer can only come from outside, from a British answer to the question, a concise and powerful British ironic, because the "Yours is an old country and old" (statistically the second in the world - almost 20% of population over 65, all coming together now, as baby boomers, pension - after Japan, civilization in decline now for a couple of decades). Fresh winner of the Sanremo Festival - trivially that "mirror country " and presented by a passionate marathon runner 66enne - Flack, 67.''
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Vi capita mai di pensare e di sperimentare idee diverse dal solito ma con praticità senza stare li a complicarsi la vita?? Ecco questo dolce nasce cosi tenendo come punto di partenza ingredienti di primissima qualità come il panettone della Loison al marron glacè….un capolavoro.
E poi? Magari ci aggiungo un budino ma quale gusto? Il pistacchio?? Si, credo che l’abbinamento sia giusto e poi ho del budino al pistacchio della Molino Chiavazza che non mi delude mai ed ecco che ne è venuto fuori un dolce mousse divino, dal sapore incantevole, un matrimonio di gusto e morbidezza infinita. Per non farmi mancare niente ho ricoperto il dolce con una cascata di scaglie al cioccolato fondente Venchi con tanto caramello della Toschi a legare il tutto insomma un esplosione di sapori!!!!
Mousse di budino di pistacchio e panettone marron glacè Loison
Per uno stampo a cerniera diametro 20
2 fette di panettone al marrone glacè Loison di 20 cm di diametro
2 buste di preparato al pistacchio Molino Chiavazza
1 tablet us pure extra dark chocolate Venchi
Caramel ready Toschi
Place the first slice of Loison panettone mold.
Prepare pudding with milk and let it cool (not everyone else it hardens). Put a piece of pudding on the cake, place the second slice of cake and pour the remaining pudding and place in refrigerator at least 2 hours. When the cake has congealed, garnish with chocolate shavings and caramel threads and store in a refrigerator Oretta.
I write here publicly once and for all, so do not talk about most: the anonymous people who pass by my blog to comment on my post cowardly to criticize my collaborations, desperately solo con il mio blog quando TUTTA la blogsfera pubblicizza prodotti e scrivi ricette a tema con prodotti velati o mostrati palesemente, sono pregate di firmarsi altrimenti cancello i loro post!!!
Sono stufa, questo è il mio blog, io ci metto la mia faccia, la mia creatività e tutta me stessa e so che molte persone mi seguono proprio per questo, perche apprezzano il mio mondo, mi stimano e mi vogliono bene. Se provo dei prodotti che trovo validi e li utilizzo nelle mie ricette non faccio male a nessuno, quindi basta con questi messaggi anonimi, inutili, vuoti e cattivi ....però che brutta cosa l'invidia!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
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There is a center-right in Italy, which is not that of Silvio Berlusconi. And 'the moderate front that is inspired by men like Giorgio and Paolo Borsellino Ambrosoli and does not like the groom Mangano. It 'a society of men and women who live on the margins, on the outskirts of the empire and makes his honest political battle every day. And 'the movement of young people who rebel against the Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti and its''merit''and is the dynamism of the many activists who believe in a liberal concept society and do not offend the judiciary and magistrates, who conceive new ideas for their neighborhoods, their cities, their countries. E 'betrayed by the center-center, in short, made by people who believe and who has been kidnapped and taken hostage by the logic of''Berlusconi ghe I think.''
There is a center in Italy that Berlusconi wants to resign and he can not say. Not out of cowardice, but a spirit of survival. Why the courage, this type of center, has it. He pulled out these days by creating a circuit unheard of words differing from the summit. But no one has used the sound box and had it not been for the isolated case Sara Judge Milan nobody would have noticed that even exists in the barracks Arcore controlled by an ethics of making and living.
There is another decent center in Italy, which has found its place in the future and freedom. This is also a community that lives out of political correctness. Indeed, of all people suffer the wrath of the old master. Resist, despite a thousand difficulties, to the attack. Just at this time some of the senators and deputies who had joined the political project of House Speaker Gianfranco Fini are rethinking their positions, the desire to go back within the fold of the majority. There are worse people to be considered the master who commands them. Go here or there depending on how the wind blows, they change their minds more often, they are afraid for the privileges of an election won with circus and determined by an electoral law that would not have even thought about the communist Romania. Do not turn a vote, like the other nine hundred and passes colleagues sitting in the House or the Senate.
There is a center-right in Italy, which needs to be protected for the sake of democracy and alternation. Is inside the rooms that do not count, he wants to change things, would care about a better and fairer nation. Consider it as an asset of all, in the hope that sooner or later will pull his head out and breathe. But as long as the head of the government will not be swept away by the processes or square, the electoral vote or the betrayal of his faithful fake, everything is not possible.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Red Wine And Dark Faeces
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you say something this casserole that I used for this recipe? Yes, it is the Le Creuset Cocotte that will receive the winner of my contest (in the photo is missing the black). Beautiful is not it? I find them great, then not only profits are also beautiful for the table always look great doing the rest of all Le Creuset products are unique, beautiful and inimitable!
The recipe I am presenting today is a sort of stew with the cabbage and cauliflower seasoned with a speck of cheese and chunks of provolone .. in short, a very tasty dish that presented in cocotte buy even more charm!
PS I wanted to thank all the people who have already participated in the contest "My cocotte" because in less than 20 days have arrived more than 100 recipes and there are still 12 days to the end and then all power to the laggard time any more ... .. I wait for you !!!!!!
Stewed savoy cabbage with bacon and provolone in cocotte cocotte
For 4 ½ savoy cabbage 1 clove garlic
100 g diced bacon (I used to Dolomitifood)
½ cauliflower
200g provolone
A crust of grain cleaned thoroughly
1 liter of vegetable stock Salt and pepper
Browse the cabbage and wash thoroughly e fate la stessa cosa con il cavolo togliendo la parte centrale e tagliandolo a pezzetti. In una pentola, mettete dell’olio e lo spicchi d’aglio, lasciate rosolare e poi unite lo speck tagliato a dadini e lasciate rosolare ancora un po. Togliete l’aglio ed unite la verza ed il cavolo e lasciate insaporire il tutto quindi unite il brodo le croste di grana tagliate a tocchetti e portate a cottura il tutto fino a quando il brodo non sarà completamente assorbito dalla verdura. A questo punto versate un mestolo di stufato in ogni cocotte, unite la provola tagliata a tocchetti una bella spolverata di parmigiano e ponete le cocotte in forno a 180 per 10 minuti fino a quando la provola non si scioglierà.
Friday, February 18, 2011
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How to join the Italians.
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Benedita Feijo : designer oeil_wall of trompe l'oeil trompe l' The paper, literally "trick the eye" is a painting technique.
It is apparently real paint a background on a wall to make it disappear from view.
A typical wall t œil breaks may represent a window a door or a hall to give a false impression that the room is più grande.
Dracaena marginata:
è una delle specie più facili da coltivare in appartamento. Le foglie, lunghe, sottili, arcuate e dai margini rossi, formano ciuffi che si trovano all’estremità di fusti sottili ed eleganti. La varietà “Tricolor” presenta, oltre ai margini rossi, anche una sottile striatura color crema.
Article by: Dana Frigerio
Inglese Version
Dragon-tree and the trompe l'oeil wallpaper
Benedita Feijo : trompe l'oeil_wall designer paper
The trompe l'oeil art, French for 'deceive the eye', is a pictorial technique. It involves painting an apparently real background on a wall in order to conceal it. A typical trompe l'oeil theme is a window, a door or a hall painted on a wall to make a room look larger.
Dragon Tree:
The leaves are usually ensiform, linear or lanceolate, with a smooth edge, petiolate or sessile, with a vaginated base or petiole, arranged as a rosette at the top of the stalks, often multi-colored and always very decorative, which is the reason of this plant’s success. It grows best indoors, either in a greenhouse or a flat. In mild-tempered areas, it can be grown outdoors as long as protected.
Translation by : Francesca G.Stara
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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The great growth in Germany is also reflected in an increase in employment, which last quarter of 2010 broke all records, reaching 41.04 million share, an increase of 1 percent over the same period in 2009. The figure, in this case, comes from the office of the German Statistical Office points out that the greatest increase in employment has been recorded in the services sector, which employs more than 30 million people. Employment growth in manufacturing and also in the construction sector. In December, according to data released by the OECD, the German unemployment rate fell to 6.6%, making Germany the only country to boast a member of a level lower than people without work in 2007, before the global economic crisis.
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Massimo Duroni , EcoDesigner , " destroys " three chairs and shows how to design thinking about the life cycle of the product and not just ITS aesthetics.
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"I want something sweet, maybe but not a chocolate cake but more of something but not a soft pudding" ... .. in short, when Mr. But the cravings are worse of a pregnant woman: D!!
Last Saturday afternoon started with this litany and in all honesty I did not know what preparagli then I get with my Nigella book and says here I have chosen, I want these you can do? Let's say that was magnanimous in fact chose the brownie of my adored Nigella but not the classic brownie brownie cheesecake but I've never tried and that has delighted! Fast to do something is so gorgeous ... we made it out almost a whole pan ... God makes them first and then coupling them: D!!
I accompanied this time with a delicious green tea flavored Acilia "Fairy Nest" Houjicha a Japanese green tea (leaves roasted specialty), Kukic roasted Japanese green tea (10%), Roman chamomile flowers, slivers of cocoa beans, chunks of white chocolate. ... I have to add up? I do not think so: D!! A special tea served in a set just as special as the tea of \u200b\u200b CHSGroup simple, linear and elegant! ! I invite you to visit their site you will find many wonderful items!!
The mold I used for the brownie is a 24x24 square mold Ballarini line The sweet life, the ideal preparation for this like all the molds Ballarini turning out perfect cakes ever! Here
But this time Mr. was satisfied and even without the addition of "but" then I assume that the tantissssssimo liked them!
Ps for those who do not know Mr. But he is my husband that every time I prepare something always adds the phrase has become a classic: good, but .... I have silenced this time here !!!!!!
Brownie with cream cheese by Nigella
dark chocolate 2 large eggs
200 g sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
75 g of flour with starch Molino Rossetto
125 g salted butter 1889 Fiandino Farms
For the cheesecake part
200 g of Philadelphia soft cheese or cottage cheese or
1 egg 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon flour
Melt butter with chocolate over low heat and let cool. Beat eggs with sugar add vanilla, chocolate with melted butter and flour. Pour the mixture into the pan lined with parchment paper. In another bowl Philadelphia beat the sugar, egg and flour and pour over the chocolate base and with the help of a toothpick, shape of the spiral, creating a marbled effect. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, must remain a little wet. Allow to cool for 10 minutes and cut the brownies into squares.
Girls missing my 12 days at the end of my contest "My cocotte" so do not tell me that there had warned: D!! Come on, you aspettooooooooo!