Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Flowchart Of Pathogenesis Of Cancer


This month, the identity card of "our" Craftsman / Designer says

Name: Esposito - Contaldo
Name: Francis - Marianna
Studio: Esprimodesign
Cittadinanza: Italiana
Segni particolari: Fare design autoprodotto , mettere al centro la forza del progetto e aver partecipato all'ultima edizione di Doppio Senso

1) Da cosa nasce la tua passione per il design?
Pensiamo che ognuno di noi abbia uno strumento che gli è più congeniale per comunicare e raccontare agli altri le proprie idee, il nostro è il progettare.

2) What was your training?
We both attended the School of Architecture in Naples, these studies have been key to developing a design method, then it was important to continue our training through the experience and do.

3) Which of the design world has "influenced" your work and your modus operandi?
The study of the "Masters", but also all the stimuli coming from other disciplines and other forms of artistic expression influence us constantly.
Sometimes a good book or a good movie suggestions have represented important for our work.

4) What materials do you prefer and why?
fascinate us all materials, but we try to use those particular natural or environmentally friendly, because we believe that respect for the environment is a duty and attitude essential.

5) What matters most to you in a project: the idea, technique, testing?
three elements are closely linked from the outset.

6) Who would you like to collaborate with and why?
We'd love to work with a company that does research and experimentation in order to deepen our understanding of materials and technologies.

7) When you're designing something, what is your target audience?
The target to which we address is not unique or predetermined, but varies according to the project.

8) What is the project to which you are bound to most and why?
In generale siamo legati al progetto a cui stiamo lavorando in quel momento, perché la fase progettuale è la più stimolante ed è quella in cui ogni volta diamo il meglio di noi.

9)Vorresti vedere una tua creazione in casa di….?
 …. del regista e scrittore Paolo Sorrentino.
In generale di tutti quelli che con il loro lavoro ci hanno trasmesso delle emozioni, augurandoci di poter fare altrettanto per loro.

10)Un oggetto entra nella storia del design quando….?
 …. non nasce dalla fashion of the moment, but communicates concepts universal and timeless.

11) The most beautiful piece of design? The most useful? The most useless? What you want to bore your signature?
One of the most beautiful: the Barcelona chair by Mies Van Der Rohe
One of the most useful: the stool Kickstool Devo design. Needless
: no comment
We have designed the chair Galeotta De Pas, D'Urbino, Lomas.

12) How important are 1 to 10 in a successful project: the choice of material, the scelta del   colore; l'utilità; l'estetica; il target di riferimento; una buona recensione/visibilità?
Materiale: 8;
Colore: 6;
Utilità: 8;
Estetica: 8;
Target: 6;
Recensione: 8

13)Hai un blog o un sito personale?
Il sito del nostro studio di progettazione   ed il sito dei nostri prodotti di design esprimodesign .

14)Quali sono i tuoi progetti per il futuro?
continue on the path of architecture and design with that of the self , but also working with other companies.

15) greets readers with a thought of your own.
not seek innovation at all costs, simplicity and clarity are important.

thanks to the collective Esprimodesign who responded to requests for Valentina Falcinelli

Inglese Versione:

This month "our" Artisan / Designer ID says:

Name: Esposito - Contaldo
Name: Francis - Marianna
Studio: Esprimodesign
Nationality: Italian
Distinguishing features: Making self design and put the strength at the center of the project and having participated in the latest edition of Doubles Sense

1) Where does your passion for design come from?
We think each of us has a congenial attribute to communicate and explain his/her own ideas; ours is design

2) What did you study?
We both studied architecture at the Naples University, acquiring a design technique. Then, it was important for us to carry on our training by experimenting.

3) Which designer influenced your work and your modus operandi?
The “Masters”, but also all the other art forms and branches constantly inspire us. In the past, a good book or a nice movie represented important suggestions for our work.

4) Which materials do you prefer and why?
We like all materials, but we mainly try to use the natural or eco-sustainable ones, because we consider the protection of the environment as a fair and obligatory attitude.

5) Which is the main ingredient for creating a project? The idea, the technique, the experimentation?
These three elements are closely connected starting from the planning stage.

6) Who would you like to work with and why?
We really would like to work with a research company in order to improve our knowledge about materials and technologies.

7) When designing, which is your target of reference?
Our target is not univocal or predetermined, it varies according to the plan.

8) Which design style are you most attached to and why?
In general we grow fond of the plan we are working on at that moment, because the planning stage is the most stimulating one, in which we give our best.

9) Whose house would you like to see one of your creations in?
Director and writer Paolo Sorrentino.
In general, all those whose work has moved us. We wish we could do the same with them.

10) When does a designer item make history?
When it doesn’t follow a trend but transmits universal and timeless concepts.

11) What’s the best designer item? What’s the most useful one? And the most useless one? What’s the one you would like to endorse?
One of the best ones: the Barcellona armchair by Mies Van Der Rohe
One of the most useful ones: the kickstool stool by Devo design.
The most useless one: no comment
We would have liked to design the Galeotta armchair by De Pas, D’Urbino, Lomazzi .

12) Give an importance rate to the following aspects for an item’s success: material; color; usefulness; design; target of reference; a good product review?
Material: 8; 
Color: 6; 
Usefulness: 8; 
Design: 8; 
Target: 6; 
Review: 8

13) Do you have a blog or a personal website?
Our studio’s website is Esprimodesign    and our design items ’ website is Esprimodesign

14) What plans do you have for the future?
We plan to keep on designing and planning on our own, but also in collaboration with other companies.

15) A last thought.
Do not pursue innovation at all costs. Simplicity and clearness are important too.

Translation by :  Francesca G.Stara


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