Sunday, February 13, 2011

Games That Can Be Played On School Computers

Govern the future of Italian Islam.

In recent days, over 4 thousand people took to the Italian coast. Back again, dramatically, the issue of immigration and the demand for food and work on the part of people living a few miles from us. Men and women who are raising their heads around the Mediterranean, forcing the old regimes and began a path of liberation which, unfortunately, is still full of too many unknowns and we have a duty to accompany and help. Poverty, for example, this is still a fact, that need work. The desperate come back and will come back, why do not you ever seen a piece of bread to run after a man, why aspire to a better life is everyone's right, because a part of the world continues to devour energy, leaving millions of people in hunger . And 'the inevitable course of history. We must govern, manage and administer. The case can not and should not help the situation today. It takes a head and heart, whereas the need to share the need and at the same time to create rules that can guarantee the current emergency and, ultimately, our future society.

Italy will have its Islam. He's already growing. E 'already in practice in giovani delle periferie che vengono nelle nostre scuole, che cercano il nostro lavoro, che tenteranno la scalata nella nostra società. E' compito dello Stato, in ogni sua forma civile, scongiurare la nascita di comunità religiose isolate o intregraliste, minacciate da un Islam clandestino che si propaga nei garage, nei quali magari si applica la shaaria o dove si organizzano scuola coraniche.

La paura è un sentimento che non conviene all’Italia del presente. Conviene solo a quel panorama politico che non accetta il cambiamento e che, attraverso i suoi incredibili proclami arcaici e antistorici di resistenza, vorrebbe mantenere una condizione sociale che è in continua mutazione da almeno venti anni.

Welcome, rules, culture, integration: these are not the only ways to live, already a decade, in an Italy pervaded by complex multi-cultural conflicts.


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