Friday, February 18, 2011

Pain In Groin Week After Heart Cath


Benedita Feijo : designer oeil_wall of trompe l'oeil trompe l' The paper, literally "trick the eye" is a painting technique.
It is apparently real paint a background on a wall to make it disappear from view.

A typical wall t œil breaks may represent a window a door or a hall to give a false impression that the room is più grande.

Dracaena marginata:
è una delle specie più facili da coltivare in appartamento. Le foglie, lunghe, sottili, arcuate e dai margini rossi, formano ciuffi che si trovano all’estremità di fusti sottili ed eleganti. La varietà “Tricolor” presenta, oltre ai margini rossi, anche una sottile striatura color crema.
Le foglie sono solitamente ensiformi, lineari o lanceolate, a margine intero, picciolate o sessili, con base o picciolo guainanti, disposte a rosetta all’apice dei fusti, spesso variegate e, comunque, always very decorative, representing the reason for the cultivation of this kind.
are suitable for growing plants in greenhouses or in the apartment.
In milder climates can be grown in the open, provided in a sheltered position.

For more info: link

Article by: Dana Frigerio

Inglese Version

Dragon-tree and the trompe l'oeil wallpaper

Benedita Feijo : trompe l'oeil_wall designer paper

The trompe l'oeil art, French for 'deceive the eye', is a pictorial technique. It involves painting an apparently real background on a wall in order to conceal it. A typical trompe l'oeil theme is a window, a door or a hall painted on a wall to make a room look larger.

Dragon Tree:
It’s one of the easiest species to grow in a flat. Its long, thin, curved and red-edged leaves form tufts at the end of slender and elegant stalks. The ‘Tricolor’ variety also has a little cream-colored streaks.
The leaves are usually ensiform, linear or lanceolate, with a smooth edge, petiolate or sessile, with a vaginated base or petiole, arranged as a rosette at the top of the stalks, often multi-colored and always very decorative, which is the reason of this plant’s success. It grows best indoors, either in a greenhouse or a flat. In mild-tempered areas, it can be grown outdoors as long as protected.

Translation by :  Francesca G.Stara


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