Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Historty On Genital Herpes

L'Aquila April 6, 2009 - Milan, April 6, 2011: the law of retaliation.

The law of retaliation (Latin against and patior , "suffer the opposite") is a principle that governs penalty that affects the guilty by the opposite of their guilt or analogy to it.

The earthquake took place in L'Aquila April 6, 2009. The Aquila is now the symbol of the model Berlusconi: the ruins are still there and the city is entirely reconstructed. The houses built for the emergency had to be provisional. A whole generation is likely to stay there forever. We like to believe that the process of 6 April in Milan, which sees the president of consgilio accused for the crimes of child prostitution and extortion, revenge has resulted from random people who have been forgotten, those who have no more voice, who was teased by the claims and actions by''spot.''


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