Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Find The Horizontal Shift

Tea Time: hearts of biscuits with cream and figs and cocoa Tea Forte


We're back to my beloved section of Tea Time! Today I propose for our time of five o'clock tea, biscuits tender and delicious stuffed with a cream figs and chocolate of Cascina San Cassiano a hint of ginger and the whole sprinkled with poppy seeds for a delightful contrast! How
accompany these cookies? But with a unique and unforgettable dazzling tea Tea Forte, which is a white tea Ginger Pear , an unusual blend of ginger and fine tea bianco con l'aroma delicato della pera giapponese. Una dolce e succulente infusione, con retrogusto finale sorprendentemente fresco!!
I filtri di tè di Tea Fortè sono tutti fatti a mano, e costituiscono lo strumento ideale per preparare una tazza di tè nella maniera più raffinata che insieme all’originale design permette alle delicate miscele di questi pregiati tè di infondersi nell'acqua.
Ho preparato il mio tè nella teiera che fa parte degli accessori in vendita nel sito insieme a queste incantevoli miscele ovvero Sontu tea pot una moderna versione trasparente della tradizionale teiera rotonda. Che dite ha conquistato anche voi questo tè?? Vi I only say that once you have tried this tea can not do without it!!

PSPer who had not yet participated, February is short and my contest "My cocotte" waiting for you I recommend you do not miss it!!

Hearts of fig biscuits with cream and chocolate

00 250 g flour 50 g almond flour 1 teaspoon baking

100 g butter 100 g sugar 1 egg

½ teaspoon salt ginger Mondospezie
Poppy Mondospezie
taste 1 can cream of figs and chocolate Cascina San Cassiano

Made the pastry 1 egg white with 2 the flour baking powder butter into chunks sugar, egg, salt and a pinch of ginger and a ball that lands in refrigerator 1 hour. Roll out the pastry and cut biscuits with a biscuit cut at heart. Take one half of the biscuits and make a hole in the center with a mold and a smaller brush past them and pour the egg whites with the poppy seeds. Bake at 180 for 20 minutes, when cool spread the cream on the figs and chocolate biscuits and whole accoppiateli with the other covered with poppy seeds.
With these cookies to enter the contest EliFla Hart to Hart.


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