Thursday, February 24, 2011

Honeywell Chronotherm Iv English

friendship with 3 spices



New Appointment Tea Time with my address book and a new recipe for madeleines, but because of friendship? Because these are part madelaines always that wonderful book that I sent during the Christmas holidays my sweet Simona a wonderful friend a unique and special person! The recipes in the book are all fabulous, but I added a small ingredient in most or all of the small flowers of cinnamon called Kezia who sent me another dear friend, my fairy woods Terry ! A sweet that I dedicate these two special people of virtual friends for now but I always carry in my heart with the hope to meet in person as soon as possible ... I love it!!
The recipe I chose for madeleines are now pleasantly scented with spices, a tasty little morsel that can not fail in our meeting afternoon tea (unfortunately only virtual) with you all my dear friends. Yes friends, because with many of you feel a particular affinity to monitor the hole and gave me a feeling so rare and profound friendship that only manages to be!
tea combined with a mixture of these madelaines White Tea Forte Ambrosia. A fine white tea made by mixing delicious fruit, vanilla and slices of coconut to create a cornucopia of tropical delights. E'ottimo be tested either alone or with honey or sugar ... so another heavenly blend of Tea Forte!!

Madeleines friendship with 3 spices
3 eggs
150 of farina00 of Molino Rossetto
130 brown sugar (I used raw cane sugar Grand Cru Malawi A whole bar )
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla

½ teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon flowers (Kezia) or cinnamon in polvere
1 cucchiaino di zenzero in polvere
1 cucchiaio d’acqua di fiori d’arancio
150 g di burro salato fuso Fattorie Fiandino

Passate al setaccio la farina e il lievito insieme. Sbattete le uova con lo zucchero di canna e la vaniglia fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso. Incorporate la farina e il lievito setacciati, la noce moscata, i fiori di Kezia pestati al mortaio(oppure la cannella in polvere), lo zenzero, l’acqua di fiori d’arancio e il burro fuso. Lasciate risposare in frigo almeno 1 ora. Scaldate il forno a 220 gradi. riempite gli stampini (Ho usato lo stampo in silicone per madeleines di Pavoni Idea che mi ha regalato madeleines perfette!!!)e infornate per 4 minuti. Riducete la temperatura a 180m gradi e continuate la cottura per altri 4-5 minuti finche risulteranno dorate. Sfornate le madelaines, attendete qualche minuto, poi sformatele e gustatele a temperatura ambiente.


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